Andy Stern is a senior fellow at Columbia University. In 2010, he retired as president of the Service Employees International Union, which grew by 1.2 million workers during his 14-year tenure, and where he led a five-year campaign that ended with the passage of Obamacare. Stern was a presidential appointee on the Simpson-Bowles Commission. Named a Fox Power Player of the Week, he has been featured on “60 Minutes,” CNN, and the covers of the New York Times Magazine, Fortune, and Business Week. He authored A Country That Works and Raising the Floor: How a Universal Basic Income Can Renew Our Economy and Restore the American Dream.

A healthy America requires a broad prosperity that goes beyond GDP statistics and stock-market valuations. More Americans need to hold jobs with growth in wages and the opport...

Technologists and reputable research now predict a huge potential for disruption in jobs as the pace of technology accelerates. Canada, Finland, the Netherlands, GiveDirectly,...