Jennifer Finney Boylan is the author of 13 books, a civil rights advocate, and the inaugural Anna Quindlen Writer in Residence at Columbia University’s Barnard College. Her 2003 memoir, She’s Not There: A Life in Two Genders, was the first best-selling work by a transgender American. Boylan is a consultant and cast member for E! network’s “I Am Cait,” and she consulted for the Amazon series “Transparent.” She is a contributing opinion writer to The New York Times op-ed page, national board co-chair for GLAAD, a trustee of the Kinsey Institute for Research on Sex, Gender, and Reproduction, and special advisor to the president of Colby College.

“I spent the first half of my life being afraid,” says Jennifer Finney Boylan, author of the bestselling memoir of transgender experience, She’s Not There, “and the second hal...

Esther Perel’s TED talks about fidelity have been watched more than 13 million times, and her book Mating in Captivity is a New York Times best-seller. Dan Savage’s syndicated...

The historic candidacy of Hillary Clinton meets a Supreme Court vacancy and a presumptive Republican nominee with overwhelming unfavorables amongst women—suddenly feminism is...