Health Care Dollars and Sense
There is clear evidence that broader, more equitable access to primary care generates better health outcomes. But the traditional paradigm—seeing a family doctor in the office...
The economic impact of wide-scale disease outbreaks, like COVID-19, emphasize the mutual interests of public health and business to create healthy and vibrant communities. The...
The 3M’s—Medicare, Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program, and the Affordable Care Act Marketplaces—cover more than 160 million people across the country, nearly...
Health systems are joining hands, swallowing up competitors, acquiring new practices, and growing bigger. Like it or fear it, a tidal wave of consolidation is rocking healthca...
The mission of healthcare is to meet the needs of individual patients while public health is driven by a commitment to the health of broad populations. For too long, the two f...
Although most Americans (83%) still trust their doctors to tell them the truth about health issues, fewer than half have faith in healthcare CEOs, government leaders, or journ...
Structural racism, reflected in uneven access to care, inequitable community conditions, and the wealth gap, drives persisting racial disparities in health. Unconscionable dif...
The healthcare investments venture capitalists make often signal where the entire medical enterprise is headed. Their resources are not unlimited, so decisions about where the...
At the edge of innovation, government initiatives like the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) are pursuing moonshots, venture capitalists are looking for im...