Out of This World: How We’re Solving the Mysteries of Space

For as long as humans have looked at the skies, we’ve speculated about whether there is life in space. Scientists, the U.S. military and the CIA have all searched for proof of...

From the first galaxies that grew after the Big Bang, to black holes swallowing their neighbors, to stars and planets being born today in the Cosmic Cliffs, the James Webb Spa...

When it comes to biomedical research, Earth’s gravity can be an obstacle, making it harder to program stem cells into viable organs, obscuring the crystalline structure of pro...

John Mather is a Nobel Prize-winning astrophysicist and the senior project scientist for NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope. We caught up with him about the exciting capabiliti...

Scientists recently made the monumental announcement of the first picture of a black hole at the center of the Milky Way. As surely as the Earth orbits the sun, we orbit that...

Just 33 million miles away, and yet still so far. From Galileo to Carl Sagan, the quest for life on Mars has an extensive history that reflects not only our scientific ambitio...

The past two years have been the hottest ever recorded on Earth. Hundreds of gigatonnes of ice have been lost in Greenland and Antarctica and levels of trapped greenhouse gas...

Why do human beings explore? And, why are the most adventurous explorers drawn to outer space?

Do we owe our existence to a thin disk of matter in the plane of the Milky Way that caused a minor space perturbation that resulted in a major earthquake that in turn killed t...