
From organized sessions to more casual opportunities to dine and interact with Festival speakers and attendees, there are a variety of options to choose from.

Dining on Campus

A variety of options are available to dine and interact with Festival speakers and attendees.

What's on the Menu at Aspen Ideas: Health? Click here to view breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack options available from June 20-23, 2024.

What's on the Menu at the Aspen Ideas Festival? Click here to view breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack options available from June 23-29, 2024.


Breakfast is provided in the Edward Jones Hospitality Lounge at the Paepcke Tent, the Ideas Pavilion, and the Prudential Financial Pavilion.


There are several options for mid-day dining.

On Campus

Lunch is served in the Paepcke Tent, Marble Garden Tent, Doerr-Hosier Center, Ideas Pavilion, and at various food trucks across campus.

Make It a Picnic: Grab a picnic blanket at any of the outdoor venues and enjoy lunch outside.

You can stay hydrated and fill up at water coolers found around campus.


Join us at Evenings at Ideas in the Marble Garden Tent to enjoy al fresco dinners with your fellow attendees. Passholders will have their choice of delicious meal options from several local food trucks.

Zero Waste

The Aspen Ideas Festival Green Team has established recycling and compost stations throughout our campus. In past years, this initiative recovered 51,000 pounds of materials through recycling and composting, and saved 129,000 pounds of greenhouse gas emissions. Please help us continue working toward zero waste by paying close attention to your waste, recycling, and composting over the course of the Festival.

Dining in Town

For dinners and other off-campus dining, please visit the Aspen Chamber website to learn about local restaurants in downtown Aspen. 

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