This particular strategy of tit-for-tat tariffs really ends up negatively impacting everybody.
Show Notes
As the US and China continue their trade war, economic instability is rising in countries around the world. Gita Gopinath, chief economist at the International Monetary Fund says, the number one risk to the global economy is the trade war. The IMF is seeing weakening in industrial production, manufacturing, and investment. “All of this is very closely tied to trade, trade uncertainty, and policies related to that,” she says. In a wide-ranging conversation with Gillian Tett, editor at large for the Financial Times, Gopinath talks about whether a recession is looming for the US or elsewhere, why the IMF is redefining global growth, and how more women economic leaders can rise up. Gopinath is the IMF’s first female chief economist. The views and opinions of the podcast guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
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