People. Family. Home. Those three components have become fractured, disconnected from one other, and it's reflected in our politics.
Show Notes
Everything—from the country’s place in the world to the social contract between citizens, government, and the private sector—seems to be knotted in hard, uncompromising debates. In this episode, New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu, former Republican National Committee Chair Michael Steele, American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten, former presidential advisor David Gergen, and Steve Clemons, Washington editor at large for The Atlantic, discuss how the country can regain a spirit of civitas. In the past, civitas—binding laws and mutual commitment of a shared national journey—has assured respect for opposing positions. Have we lost the ability to find common ground? Does national civitas need a reboot?
Michael SteeleCEO, The Steele Group; Former Chair, Republican National Committee
Mitch LandrieuFormer White House Senior Advisor and Infrastructure Coordinator; Fo...
Randi WeingartenPresident of the American Federation of Teachers
David GergenProfessor of Public Service and Co-Director, Center for Public Leader...
Steve ClemonsEditor in Chief, AtlanticLIVE; Washington Editor at Large, The Atlanti...
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