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Aspen Ideas To Go

The Future of the Middle East

The Future of the Middle East

Show Notes

The grim stream of news from the Middle East has been making it more and more difficult to hold onto hope for peace. When and how will the conflict in Gaza end? And could war even spread to Israel’s northern border with Lebanon? Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, who served from 2006 to 2009, takes the stage at the 2024 Aspen Ideas Festival to share his frank thoughts on the situation. Washington Post reporter David Ignatius interviews Olmert, pushing to the heart of the issue in this rare opportunity to hear straight from the leader. In the second portion of the talk, Ignatius continues the conversation with the current ambassador to the United States from Jordan, Dina Kawar, and former U.S. ambassador to Israel, Thomas Nides. The diplomats give insights into the region’s complexities and possible paths out of constant conflict. Both talks were held on June 26.


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