2024 Schedule

Friday, June 21st
Friday, June 21st
10:20am–11:10am MDT
2024 Health
Reimagining Equitable Systems for Thriving People and Places

Traditional views of healthcare have built the environment we live in—and reinforced systemic inequities and poor health outcomes. Is our own thinking limiting our ability to truly transform community-level conditions that catalyze well-being? What cross-sector investments and strategies are required to rebuild communities through shifting power, voice and interest for community-led systemic solut...

Koch Building, Booz Allen Hamilton Room
11:40am–12:30pm MDT
2024 Health
It Takes a Village: Promoting Health at the Grassroots

In an ailing world, so many people are eager to contribute to their communities and connect with their neighbors. Hear stories of grassroots efforts to improve community health that draw on local talent to meet local needs—grandmothers delivering mental health counseling, volunteers teaching children about healthy food, and artists using murals to strengthen neighborhoods. All build on the recogni...

Koch Building, Booz Allen Hamilton Room
3:00pm–03:50pm MDT
2024 Health
Advancing Medicine Through Cutting-Edge Investments

At the edge of innovation, government initiatives like the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) are pursuing moonshots, venture capitalists are looking for impact and profits in the health space, and dedicated researchers are confronting diseases such as cancer in novel ways. All are eager to accelerate high-value, scalable breakthroughs that fill treatment gaps and could finally...

Koch Building, Booz Allen Hamilton Room
4:20pm–05:10pm MDT
2024 Health
From Measles to Maternal Health: Strengthening Partnerships Between Healthcare and Public Health

The mission of healthcare is to meet the needs of individual patients while public health is driven by a commitment to the health of broad populations. For too long, the two fields have operated largely in parallel, with only weak ties to connect them. Although the COVID-19 pandemic illustrated the urgency of building bridges, we are now at risk of pandemic amnesia. It is time to meet the country’...

Koch Building, Booz Allen Hamilton Room
Saturday, June 22nd
10:20am–11:10am MDT
2024 Health
How Genomics is Personalizing Medicine and Revolutionizing Healthcare

Managing disease is getting personal. With the genomic revolution upon us, we now understand that many diseases don't always follow the same predictable course and personalized treatments often work best. The recognition that disease patterns are greatly influenced by individual genetic makeup, combined with advances in technology and gene therapy, are driving a paradigm shift in medicine. Genomic...

Koch Building, Booz Allen Hamilton Room
11:40am–12:30pm MDT
2024 Health
Food as Medicine

The health benefits of a nutritious diet are well-established, but just telling people to eat more plant-based foods and less unhealthy fat isn’t enough to reduce the toll of chronic diseases. A growing body of research supports a much more systematic approach, woven into the fabric of healthcare, to leverage the medicinal power of food. Medically tailored meals designed to address specific diagno...

Koch Building, Booz Allen Hamilton Room
4:20pm–05:10pm MDT
2024 Health
Your Gut: An Owner’s Guide to a Happier, Healthier Belly

In polite conversation, we don’t share much information about our gastrointestinal tract or daily bathroom rituals but gut health is crucial to overall wellbeing. Knowledge of the microbiome, which consists of microorganisms that are especially prevalent in the intestines, reveals how inextricably the gut is linked to brain health, inflammation, and the immune system. Learning about those connecti...

Koch Building, Booz Allen Hamilton Room
Monday, June 24th
8:10am–08:55am MDT
2024 Festival
Families and Social Capital

Experts on well-being share why we all need family connections, community wisdom and the weave of social fabric.

Koch Building, Booz Allen Hamilton Room
3:10pm–04:00pm MDT
2024 Festival
Why Youth Sports are Game-Changing

What if there were a pill that could help people move, think and sleep better, and that reduced anxiety, depression and 13 types of cancer — with the side effect of making more friends and more money? That’s what youth sports does. Learn about a national effort to get 63% of kids playing by 2030 — unlocking a projected $80 billion in societal benefits.

Koch Building, Booz Allen Hamilton Room
Tuesday, June 25th
8:10am–08:55am MDT
2024 Festival
Can the Future of Democracy Be Found Through Work?

Americans are expected to be active political citizens and leave their opinions at the workplace door. Renewed efforts to expand participation, representation and shared decision-making at work — think employee ownership, labor unions and an expanded set of economic rights — may offer a framework to rebuild faith in democracy.

Koch Building, Booz Allen Hamilton Room
10:20am–11:50am MDT
2024 Festival
Antisemitism Then and Now

With antisemitism resurgent, Simon Schama, acclaimed author of “The Story of the Jews,” speaks about the magnitude of the problem, examining “the oldest hatred” from the time of the Roman Empire to today. Afterward, Tree of Life CEO Carole Zawatsky and Ford Foundation President Darren Walker share news of a hopeful new institution that could change the way we combat antisemitism — and all forms of...

Koch Building, Booz Allen Hamilton Room
12:30pm–01:20pm MDT
2024 Festival
Unfreedom of the Press

As repressive regimes clamp down on the press, they are now targeting media owners. China shut Hong Kong’s Apple Daily and locked up owner Jimmy Lai. Guatemala’s El Periódico founder José R. Zamora has faced lawsuits and been jailed for two years. The sons of Lai and Zamora and Lai’s attorney discuss the international campaigns to free these two courageous truth tellers.

Koch Building, Booz Allen Hamilton Room
1:50pm–02:40pm MDT
2024 Festival
Philanthropy and Investing for New Realities

Today’s global challenges call for innovation, and that’s as true in philanthropy and investing as any other sector. Explore how strategic thinkers — leaders of the Gates Foundation, McGovern Foundation, TPG Rise Funds and Giving Tuesday — are testing new ideas, measuring outcomes and placing their bets.

Koch Building, Booz Allen Hamilton Room
3:10pm–04:00pm MDT
2024 Festival
The Real Women of Shakespeare’s England

Rosalind, Viola, Portia and Beatrice are unforgettable roles in Shakespeare’s plays. But there were real women behind these characters — women who spoke out against patriarchy, primogeniture and arranged marriage. How does our vision of the past change when we hear the other half of the story?

Koch Building, Booz Allen Hamilton Room
Thursday, June 27th
8:10am–08:55am MDT
2024 Festival
The Power of Place: Youth Opportunity in Latin America, India and Africa

Of the 1.2 billion youth aged 15 to 24 worldwide in 2019, close to half were out of school, out of work or underemployed, and this number will continue to grow. Listen as global Opportunity Youth leaders and partners from India, Africa and Latin America discuss mobilizing hundreds of partners and thousands of young people to create viable economic pathways.

Koch Building, Booz Allen Hamilton Room
12:30pm–01:20pm MDT
2024 Festival
Amazon Presents: How AI is Transforming Health Care

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing health care by improving patient navigation, telehealth and the speed of drug development. From enhancing patient and provider experiences to driving efficiencies across the health care spectrum, AI can lead us to a smarter, more accessible and more patient-centered future of health.

Koch Building, Booz Allen Hamilton Room
1:50pm–02:40pm MDT
2024 Festival
Does Philanthropy Need a Course Correction?

The racial reckoning of 2020 called for new models of philanthropy, but four years later there is strong political and social opposition to philanthropic investment in equitable systems. Corporate and nonprofit leaders address the role of philanthropy in advancing social progress.

Koch Building, Booz Allen Hamilton Room
3:10pm–04:00pm MDT
2024 Festival
Artificial Inheritance: Generational Wealth for All

Uncle Sam is rich enough that every young person in America can benefit from generational wealth transfer. Leaders from impact investing, philanthropy and the finance sector discuss market and policy innovations that could give every child capital to invest in the business of living.

Koch Building, Booz Allen Hamilton Room
Friday, June 28th
8:10am–08:55am MDT
2024 Festival
Pushback: The Perils (and Power) of Corporate Commitments

With ESG caught in the political culture wars, business executives must decide to speak up or stay quiet about climate, diversity and democracy. What do employees and citizens expect, and can playing offense be the best defense against the pushback?

Koch Building, Booz Allen Hamilton Room
10:20am–11:10am MDT
2024 Festival
The Case for College

In “Mindset Matters,” Daniel R. Porterfield advances the argument for the value of undergraduate education and suggests ways to improve education for new generations. Three college graduates join to talk about how the experience helped them launch the lives they’re living.

Koch Building, Booz Allen Hamilton Room
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