2024 Schedule

Monday, June 24th
Monday, June 24th
8:10am–08:55am MDT
2024 Festival
Families and Social Capital

Experts on well-being share why we all need family connections, community wisdom and the weave of social fabric.

Koch Building, Booz Allen Hamilton Room
3:10pm–04:00pm MDT
2024 Festival
Are We Ready For Pandemic X?

Given what we learned from the global turbulence from COVID-19, are we any more prepared for the next pandemic? Author and journalist Michael Lewis and Adar Poonawalla, CEO of Serum Institute of India, the world’s largest vaccine maker, discuss strategies to protect the world against future outbreaks and explore how global collaboration can ensure equitable access to life-saving vaccines.

East Lawn Tent
4:20pm–05:10pm MDT
2024 Festival
The Real Sam Bankman-Fried

In the aftermath of the sentencing of disgraced FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried, celebrated author Michael Lewis shares new insights about the spectacular downfall of SBF, whom he shadowed for months for his book “Going Infinite.” Lewis sits down with Tina Brown to reflect on what this tells us about fast money, the crypto-world, billionaire worship and the naivety of those caught in SBF’s web.

East Lawn Tent
7:00pm–08:00pm MDT
2024 Festival
A League of Your Own: Investing in Pro Sports

Two legends — a baseball superstar and a Wall Street titan — discuss how they are leveraging their passion for professional sports as a team stakeholder and an owner.

Doerr-Hosier Center, McNulty Room
Tuesday, June 25th
10:20am–11:10am MDT
2024 Festival
Edward Jones Presents: The Great Wealth Transfer

With a staggering $84 trillion projected to change hands by 2045, the United States is on the brink of a historic intergenerational wealth exchange. How are our institutions preparing, and how are some families discussing wealth transfer as the next generation redefines the American Dream?

East Lawn Tent
2024 Festival
Chart Talk: How the Immigration Numbers Add Up

Do immigrants depress the wages of American workers? Are too many coming to the United States? What would happen if they stopped? Is there a mismatch between our immigration system and our economic needs? "Morning Joe" economic analyst and New York Times contributing opinion writer Steve Rattner lays out the numbers, the legalities - and the facts.

Buckminster Fuller Dome
1:50pm–02:40pm MDT
2024 Festival
Prudential Financial Presents: What Living to 100 Means for Work and Wealth

Across the globe, humans are living and working longer than ever — and today’s systems, governments and businesses aren’t prepared. Examine how we can reimagine work, wealth and retirement to live our lives both longer and better.

Buckminster Fuller Dome
2024 Festival
Color Blind Poverty

Poverty doesn’t care what color you are. Declining manufacturing jobs, income inequality and inadequate social safety nets affect all Americans. The problem of poverty demands a collective — and moral — response.

Paepcke Auditorium
2024 Festival
Philanthropy and Investing for New Realities

Today’s global challenges call for innovation, and that’s as true in philanthropy and investing as any other sector. Explore how strategic thinkers — leaders of the Gates Foundation, McGovern Foundation, TPG Rise Funds and Giving Tuesday — are testing new ideas, measuring outcomes and placing their bets.

Koch Building, Booz Allen Hamilton Room
3:10pm–04:00pm MDT
2024 Festival
Generosity: Revitalizing Democracy Together

The engaged citizen is democracy’s greatest asset, but many Americans are disillusioned and disengaged, and feel a loss of agency. In this focus group conversation, next-generation volunteers, givers, leaders — and audience members — share what motivates and what gets in the way.

East Lawn Tent
4:20pm–05:10pm MDT
2024 Festival
Bridges, Broadband and Billions

The U.S. is spending record amounts on infrastructure, with billions of federal dollars going to bridges, clean drinking water, broadband, and climate and energy. The governor of Maryland talks about what that looks like at state and local levels — and why it’s necessary now.

Doerr-Hosier Center, McNulty Room
Wednesday, June 26th
10:20am–11:10am MDT
2024 Festival
Economic Envy? The Real State of the American Economy

The market is at record highs. Unemployment is at record lows. And most economists will tell you the American economy is the envy of the world — but far too many working families need more to get by. What do the trends on mortgages, consumer behavior and lending tell us about America’s economic future?

Doerr-Hosier Center, McNulty Room
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