2024 Schedule

Friday, June 21st
Friday, June 21st
9:00am–09:50am MDT
2024 Health
In Conversation with CRISPR Pioneer Jennifer Doudna

Barely a dozen years ago, Jennifer Doudna and her colleagues published a paper in Science about CRISPR, the pioneering gene-editing technique that thrilled the scientific community. In 2020, the discovery earned her a Nobel Prize in Chemistry. CRISPR is now a mainstream area of study, with researchers looking at its use not only to advance medicine but also to improve animal health, develop droug...

Greenwald Pavilion
11:40am–12:30pm MDT
2024 Health
CRISPR 2.0, the Next Generation

History was made this year when the first FDA-approved CRISPR-based gene editing therapy became available to patients, designed to cure sickle cell anemia. That represents ground-breaking progress, but the treatment involves a months-long ordeal with often-brutal side effects and it is hugely expensive. With dozens of CRISPR therapeutics in the second phase of human trials, hopes run high that...

Greenwald Pavilion
Saturday, June 22nd
11:40am–12:30pm MDT
2024 Health
How Genetic Data is Transforming Cancer and Other Diseases

The idea of gathering DNA samples into a vast database in order to identify disease risks and breakthrough therapies was once a distant dream. Not long ago, immunotherapy seemed like pure fantasy. Today, these genetic-based approaches offer patients insights into their risks for developing cancer, potentially leading to new therapeutic approaches, earlier screenings, and prevention, all based on p...

Greenwald Pavilion
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