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How can Americans restore their confidence in their government?
Political scientist Rob Reich challenges us to consider the role of philanthropy in democracy.
Ahead of the midterms, what are we hearing about the candidates, the campaigns, and the issues?
What might we learn from the past about the current state of politics and democracy in America?
Are we seeing a new era in American politics? Two former Republican presidential candidates weigh in
The United States is facing one of the most difficult tests in its 244-year history. American democracy is struggling, economic and social justice are under interrogation, faith in institutions is declining, and a pandemic is touching us all. Is national unity a far-off dream?
What were the ideals of the framers, and what can they teach us about modern American democracy?
Kleptocracy presents a growing threat to US national security and international peace, as money laundering and other forms of public “grand corruption” increasingly undermine democracy, cripple development, weaken Western soft power, and accelerate state collapse.
Rebecca Blumenstein on gender, journalism, and protecting democracy through news.
Norman Lear and Khizr Khan on liberty, democracy, and enduring American values.
It’s difficult to ignore anger in the United States right now. How can it be managed?
Trust in civic, religious, and academic institutions is at an all-time low in America.
With major increases in life expectancy, should we be thinking about redesigning our life course?
For years, Yale undergraduate students have lined up to take a wildly popular course called Life Worth Living. Bucking the highly competitive tone you might expect at an Ivy League school, the class teaches students to look beyond traditional markers of success for deeper meaning. Theology professor Miroslav Volf is one of the co-teachers, and also one of the co-authors of...