Deep Dive: Rethinking Prison


While federal, state, and local lawmakers consider reforms that may lower our incarceration rates in the future, more than two million Americans live behind bars today. Many of them will be reentering society in the months and years to come, so what they experience while incarcerated matters to all of us. Will they become stable and productive members of society? Or will they boomerang back into the justice system, representing potential danger to their communities and a setback in human potential, at a considerable cost to the taxpayer? The answer is greatly dependent on if and how prisons educate and train them, and how the rest of us work with them once they are released. This deeply experienced group of experts weighs in, with critical data and first-person knowledge from lives lived both inside and outside of America’s prisons.

  • 2016 Festival
  • USA

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Deep Dive: Rethinking Prison

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