Cuz: An American Tragedy


Bestselling author Andrew Solomon praises Danielle Allen’s 2017 memoir Cuz: The Life and Times of Michael A., saying, “In this narrative of freedom and incarceration, education and disadvantage, rehabilitation and punishment, Allen paints an unforgettable portrait of a cousin she loved. …The message is large and clear: we need urgently to reform the system through which we process juveniles who commit crime, because the current system perpetuates the very injustices it was designed to address.” Allen — whose earlier book Our Declaration, reveals our nation’s founding text to be an animating force that not only changed the world more than two hundred years ago, but also still can — will talk about what links the Declaration of Independence and her ability to understand and respond to her cousin's tragic fate.

  • 2018 Festival
  • USA

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Cuz: An American Tragedy

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