Dear Evan Hansen: Broadway and Mental Health


It’s the story of a young man in a world of hyper-connection who is unable to connect.

Steven Levenson Playwright, Dear Evan Hansen; TV Writer

Dear Evan Hansen: Broadway and Mental Health


Can a Broadway musical actually help destigmatize and further the mental health conversation in our culture? The Tony Award-winning musical Dear Evan Hansen has proven that the answer is yes – doing just that through sensitive storytelling on stage and the cast and crew's work with mental health not-for-profits off stage. In this panel, Dr. Harold Koplewicz, president and medical director of the Child Mind Institute, and Steven Levenson, the Tony Award-winning book writer of Dear Evan Hansen, discuss the delicate task of creating the characters in the musical and how they have helped further the dialogue about this important topic. The session also features a performance from Josh Strobl, a cast member seen in both the Broadway and Toronto productions of the musical. (Underwritten by American Hospital Association)

  • 2019 Health

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Dear Evan Hansen: Broadway and Mental Health

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