Esau Sinnok
Alaska Native Studies Student, University of Alaska Fairbanks; Former Arctic Youth Ambassador
Esau Sinnok is a student at University of Alaska Fairbanks, where he received his Certificate in Tribal Management and is working toward his bachelor’s degree in Alaska Native Studies with a concentration in Alaska Native law, government, and politics. One of ten 2016 White House Champions of Change for Climate Equity awardees, Sinnok is a former Arctic Youth Ambassador, 2016 Denny Wilcher award winner for Young Environmental Activist, and 2017 Spirit of Youth Awardee. His passion is leading him toward politics, and he plans to help his region and build a sustainable future for Alaska.

The high seas comprise more than 40 percent of the surface of our planet and 60 percent of the surface of the ocean, yet are largely ungoverned and unprotected. The team at th...