Trujillo Baxter Mikayla Aih24

Mikayla Trujillo-Baxter

Certified Community Health Worker/Peer Support Worker, National Association of Community Health Workers

Mikayla Trujillo-Baxter is the leadership development manager at Johnson & Johnson and at the National Association of Community Health Workers (NACHW). Her lived experience in overcoming adversity—including mental health issues, substance use, and incarceration—led to her becoming a community health worker herself. Trujillo’s passion began at a small non-profit in Albuquerque, N.M., assisting those affected by mental health/substance use, precariously housed individuals, and employment-seeking returning citizens in achieving their personal goals. Subsequently, she worked at the University of New Mexico under a prison hepatitis C elimination program as a program coordinator working in New Mexico prisons and with returning citizens in the community. Trujillo has worked with system-impacted youth as a veteran youth mentor with the Albuquerque Justice for Youth Collaboration. (Johnson & Johnson is a 2024 Festival Underwriter)

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