Adam Foss is a lawyer and co-founder of the Prosecutor Integrity Institute, which empowers prosecutors to make more data-driven, informed decisions with an eye toward ending mass incarceration. As assistant district attorney at the Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office in Boston for the past eight years, Foss has been developing programs aimed at improving public safety and avoiding incarceration. A speaker on and advocate for criminal justice reform, he is a mentor for Year Up and member of the governor’s Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee. Recognition for his efforts includes National Law Journal’s Up-and-Coming Lawyer Award and the Massachusetts Bar Association’s Access to Justice Section Council Prosecutor of the Year Award.

Instances of wrongful convictions, misconduct by some prosecutors, public concern over mass incarceration, and evidence of racial bias in our justice system have appropriately...

In far too many instances, municipal courts are the first step on the road to ruin—especially for poor people—thanks to the combined effects of the courts’ relentless need for...