Caroline Cochran is the co-founder and COO of Oklo, working to build emission-free power plants utilizing advanced fission powered by nuclear waste. Previously, she founded multiple organizations and managed 16 projects, including ten start-ups. As an engineer, Cochran has worked with energy technologies that span solar vehicles, natural gas, oil, and nuclear. Earlier in her career, she helped establish a technology commercialization and business development program at the University of Oklahoma. One of the youngest recipients of the University of Oklahoma Regents Alumni Award, Cochran is a former member of the US Department of Energy Nuclear Energy Advisory Committee and was a panel member at the 9th Clean Energy Ministerial.

Though the tech sector is in a slowdown, resources and attention are on the rise for climate tech start-ups. Hear from leaders of companies generating nuclear power, redesigni...

Conventional nuclear plants provide the majority of the U.S.’s carbon-free electricity, and yet their risks are often overstated. These conventional plants, bolstered by advan...