Dan Savage is a writer, advice columnist and activist. He has been writing "Savage Love," his syndicated sex-and-relationship advice column, since 1991. Savage has hosted the “Savage Lovecast,” a weekly podcast version of the column, since 2006. He also hosts the "Sex and Politics" podcast. Previously, Savage was executive producer of ABC’s “The Real O’Neals,” consulting producer on Showtime’s “Couples Therapy” and co-wrote the film ”Spoiler Alert.” In 2010, he created the It Gets Better Project to help combat LGBTQ+ teen suicides. The author of seven books, including “Savage Love,” “The Kid” and “Skipping Towards Gomorrah,” his most recent is “Savage Love from A to Z.” Savage’s commentary has appeared in The New York Times and other publications.

The U.S. is queerer than ever — and surveys confirm that 20th-century heterosexual “normalcy” is on the wane. Why is gender the diversity dimension that has changed the most o...

Join Dan Savage and Christine Emba as they shed light on the ever-evolving realm of sexual ethics in modern-day America. In this captivating discussion, Savage, renowned Savag...

Sex, that great purveyor of arousal, ecstasy, heartbreak, and disease, that dominant theme of poetry, gossip, and entertainment, is on the wane. Surveys suggest that adults ar...

As mainstream attitudes about sex and relationships are seemingly more casual than ever, precise communication between individuals is increasingly paramount. What's the state...

Esther Perel’s TED talks about fidelity have been watched more than 13 million times, and her book Mating in Captivity is a New York Times best-seller. Dan Savage’s syndicated...

If you’re in journalism, the content business, or are associated with a nonprofit or dot-org, “How’s your podcast going?” is the question of the day. How did these obscure bro...