Daniel Torres
Office Services Specialist, Forrest Solutions; Contractor, Oppenheimer Funds
Daniel Torres is an alumnus of Congreso de Latinos Unidos, a nonprofit organization with a mission to enable individuals and families in predominantly Latino neighborhoods to achieve economic self-sufficiency and well-being. He is also an alumnus of and speaker and ambassador for STRIVE, a workforce-development agency with 60,000 graduates since 1984. A Puerto Rico native, single father, and caretaker for his father, Torres works for outsourcing and staffing firm Forrest Solutions and is a contractor with Oppenheimer trust funds. He also volunteers, including with The Father Factor convening and the GOOD+ Foundation, a nonprofit that addresses multi-generational poverty by pairing donations with services to help low-income parents create upward trajectories for their children.
Our culture and policies have revolved around the myth of the "dead-beat dad,” but in many cases, low-income fathers face serious legal, economic, and other systemic obstacles...