Diane Foley is founder and president of the James W. Foley Legacy Foundation, created and named for her journalist son in 2014 after his public beheading by ISIS. Foley also helped launch Hostage US and Alliance for a Culture of Safety, participated in the National Counterterrorism Center hostage review, and was instrumental in passing of the Robert Levinson Hostage Taking and Accountability Act. She has raised awareness of international hostage taking and wrongful detention via the documentary “Jim, the James Foley Story,” opinion pieces in national newspapers, and media interviews. Included in the book “200 Women,” Foley authored a chapter titled “Life for a Voice: The Work of Journalist James W. Foley Through the Eyes of His Family” in the book “Living Precariously” and co-authored “American Mother.”

Over 1 million people globally are held as political prisoners. Two of the leading human rights attorneys working to release captives of authoritarian regimes and the mother o...