Erik Ewers is co-director and editor of Hiding in Plain Sight: Youth Mental Illness, the first film in the miniseries Our Mental Health Crisis, produced in collaboration with documentary filmmaker Ken Burns. Ewers has worked with Burns on nearly all of his films over more than 30 years. He currently serves as Burns’s senior editor and as co-director and editor of Ewers Brothers Productions, a preferred collaborative company in the co-creation of Burns’s films. In 2015, he and Burns created the PBS film The Mayo Clinic: Faith, Hope, Science. Ewers has been nominated for over seven personal and program Emmy Awards, won one editing and three program Emmys, been nominated for two ACE Eddie Awards, and won an ACE for “Best Edited Documentary of 2015.”

Our children are in crisis. Globally, one in seven children, ages 10-19, has some kind of mental illness, notably depression, anxiety, or behavioral disorders. Horrifically, a...