Esther Dyson is executive founder of Wellville, a ten-year nonprofit project devoted to demonstrating how investing in community health can return profits to investors and health to participants and communities. She’s the lead for Muskegon County, MI, one of five communities Wellville advises, and is involved in policy and fundraising. An investor, trained cosmonaut, and member of many boards, Dyson invests in and nurtures start-ups with a focus on health, human capital, and aerospace. She founded HICCup (Health Initiative Coordinating Council), was founding chairman of ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), and wrote the best-seller Release 2.0: A Design for Living in the Digital Age.

A healthy community is characterized not only by the absence of illness but by attributes that promote well-being and enable a high quality of life. While social policy and pu...