Itai Kloog
Associate Professor, Environmental Medicine and Climate Science, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Itai Kloog is an associate professor of environmental medicine and climate science at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Kloog is an exposure scientist and a specialist in geographic information science (GIS), with expertise in exposure assessment, environmental epidemiology, and geostatistical modeling. His research includes developing exposure models for epidemiology studies, advanced spatial and geostatistical analysis, GIS and remote sensing, and the evaluation of the adverse health effects of exposure to air pollution and temperature extremes. Kloog has published multiple papers on assessing temporally and spatially resolved PM2.5 and air temperature exposures for epidemiological studies in the United States and globally. (Mount Sinai is a 2024 Festival Underwriter)

Environmental stressors are a more potent influence on human health than genetic predisposition, a finding that has galvanized the emerging, interdisciplinary field of exposom...