Jennifer Bloomer
Graduate/Volunteer, Project Welcome Home Troops; Chief Master Sergeant (Ret), US Air Force
Jennifer Bloomer is a retired chief master sergeant with the US Air Force and a volunteer with Project Welcome Home Troops. She joined the Air Force in 1991 as an airborne Russian linguist and was an interpreter and negotiator on various diplomatic fronts. She completed eight deployments in support of Operations Southern Watch, Iraqi Freedom, and Enduring Freedom as an airborne intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) specialist. Bloomer flew more than 3,800 hours to include over 200 combat sorties in Iraq and Afghanistan. As a leader with a joint special operations task force in Iraq, she earned two Bronze Stars. Bloomer retired from active duty in August 2015.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) haunts some 300,000 veterans who have returned from Afghanistan or Iraq. Drugs and psychotherapy provide only partial relief. Increasingl...