Jodi Halpern is chancellor’s chair and professor of bioethics at UC Berkeley. She is an international leader on empathy in health care and the ethics of innovative technologies, including A.I., gene editing, and neurotechnology. Halpern’s book, “From Detached Concern to Empathy: Humanizing Medical Practice,” catalyzed a wave of change in medicine. Her upcoming book, “Remaking the Self in the Wake of Illness,” illuminates post-traumatic growth. Her newest project, “Engineering Empathy,” examines A.I. and therapeutic relationships. Halpern co-founded and co-directs the Kavli Center for Ethics, Science, and the Public and the Berkeley Group on the Ethics and Regulation of Innovative Technologies. She advises non-governmental organizations, companies, and governments and speaks in settings ranging from the Davos World Economic Forum to NPR to CBS News. Halpern received the Guggenheim 2022 Award in Medicine and Health.

AI is transforming health, with implications for early disease detection, diagnostic accuracy, medical decision making, precision surgery, and personalized treatments. By spee...