John Judis is an author and journalist. He has written eight books, most recently The Nationalist Revival: Trade, Immigration and the Revolt against Globalization and The Populist Explosion: How the Great Recession Transformed American and European Politics. He is currently working on a book about socialism and the left. An editor at large at Talking Points Memo, Judis was previously senior editor of The New Republic for 20 years and a senior writer at The National Journal. He has also written for GQ, Foreign Affairs, Mother Jones, The New York Times Magazine, and The Washington Post and was a founding editor of Socialist Revolution.

Trump in America, Brexit in the U.K., anti-EU parties in Italy, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Austria, Poland, and Hungary, and nativist or authoritarian leaders in Turkey...

World order is never in stasis for too long. And indeed, we seem to be witnessing a historic shift now. The relatively stable decades after World War II saw gains for global d...