Lori Lightfoot is the mayor of Chicago, elected in 2019. With an agenda of expanding opportunity and inclusive economic growth, her accomplishments include ethics and good-governance reforms, worker-protection legislation, and closing a $1.2 billion budget gap. Addressing the COVID-19 pandemic impact, Lightfoot launched the Racial Equity Rapid Response Team and the COVID-19 Recovery Task Force, among others. Previously, she was a senior equity partner in the litigation and conflict resolution group at Mayer Brown, president of the Chicago Police Board, and chair of the Police Accountability Task Force. Earlier in her career she worked in Chicago city government and as an assistant US attorney. Lightfoot’s recognition includes the National Minority Quality Forum Honorable John Lewis Lifetime Achievement Award.

Mayor fatigue is real. The New York Times recently reported that a spate of mayors across the country are stepping away from elected office in a siege of burnout following an...