Marc Levin is director of the Center for Effective Justice at the Texas Public Policy Foundation and policy director of its Right on Crime initiative. In 2010, he developed the concept for initiative, which has become the national clearinghouse for conservative criminal justice reforms. Levin has testified on criminal justice policy on four occasions before Congress and has testified frequently before state legislatures. A lawyer, he has worked in private practice and was a staff attorney at the Texas Supreme Court. In 2014, Levin was named one of the Politico 50, the magazine’s annual “list of thinkers, doers, and dreamers who really matter in this age of gridlock and dysfunction.”

Capital punishment in the United States is on the decline, driven largely by evolving public opinion and politics. Why is this shift happening, and where will it take us? What...

Crime is down in the United States, but incarceration has mushroomed. Some might argue this is proof of successful crime fighting. But more and more leaders and observers thin...

Bipartisanship is as rare a commodity in Washington as perhaps it has ever been. But as we look to transition from several decades of incarceration-focused criminal justice, D...