Marcus Bullock is a justice reform advocate, public speaker, and entrepreneur. Following his 2004 release from prison, he launched a painting company and is now CEO of Perspectives Premier Contractors, which employs other returning citizens. Bullock is founder and CEO of Flikshop, a free app that enables incarcerated people to receive mail and postcards, and the Flikshop School of Business, a program that teaches incarcerated youth life skills and entrepreneurship. He is a member of the Justice Policy Institute’s board of directors and a re-entry coordinator for Free Minds Book Club and Writer’s Workshop. Married with two children, Bullock’s story has received coverage from CNN and the Washington Business Journal.

People exiting incarceration often struggle to find a job—and the idea of a full-fledged career is almost beyond conceiving. But through private and public partnerships, forme...

While federal, state, and local lawmakers consider reforms that may lower our incarceration rates in the future, more than two million Americans live behind bars today. Many o...