Matthew Myers
Co-Founder, President, and CEO, Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
Matthew Myers is president and CEO of the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids. One of the organization’s co-founders in 1996, he was initially executive vice president and legal counsel. Over the last 25 years, Myers has participated in virtually every major national tobacco-related legislative effort and has worked with state tobacco-prevention advocates. Among many other roles, he served on the first advisory committee reporting to the WHO director general on tobacco issues in 1999 and, the next year, co-chaired a US presidential commission on economic issues in tobacco-farming communities. In 2004, Harvard’s School of Public Health awarded Myers the Julius B. Richmond Award for his advocacy in preventing tobacco-industry marketing to children.

E-cigarettes are getting our children addicted to nicotine and may be dangerous to the developing brain. More young people now use e-cigs than tobacco and there is growing con...