Miriam Merad
Mount Sinai Endowed Professor in Cancer Immunology and Director, Precision Immunology Institute, Mount Sinai Health System (Festival Underwriter)
Miriam Merad s the Mount Sinai Endowed Professor in Cancer Immunology, director of the Precision Immunology Institute at Icahn School of Medicine (PrIISM), co-director of the cancer immunology program at Tisch Cancer Institute, and director of the Human Immune Monitoring Center at Mount Sinai Health System. The goal of her laboratory is to identify dysregulated pathways in macrophages and dendritic cells that can be harnessed to treat cancer. Merad lectures around the world, has authored more than 170 primary papers and reviews in journals, is an elected member of the American Society of Clinical Investigation, and received the 2018 William B. Coley Award for Distinguished Research in Tumor Immunology.
It’s no secret that chemotherapy is a brutal and all-too-often unsuccessful way to treat cancer, one that harms healthy cells even as it tries to ferret out malignant ones. Th...