Miriam Zoila Pérez is a writer, doula, and advocate focusing on the unique intersections of race and gender. In 2007, she founded the website Radical Doula, chronicling her experiences as a queer, Latina, pro-choice doula and helping found a movement of full-spectrum doulas bringing a compassionate and nonjudgmental approach to pregnancy and childbirth. From this came her book, The Radical Doula Guide: A Political Primer for Full-Spectrum Pregnancy and Childbirth Support. Pérez is a freelance journalist for Talking Points Memo, The Nation, Fusion, and The American Prospect, among others. She is the gender columnist at Colorlines, co-hosts the Latino music podcast “Radio Menea,” and is a former editor at Feministing.com.

The pathway to health sometimes travels through a physician’s office, but economic stability, the physical environment, access to nutritional foods, adequate schools, and soci...

It has become almost impossible to have a reasoned conversation about reproductive rights. From birth control to abortion, this minefield is strewn with political passion, con...