Aif23 Miles Monique

Monique Miles

Vice President; Managing Director, Aspen Forum for Community Solutions; and Director, Opportunity Youth Forum and Fund, The Aspen Institute

Monique Miles is a vice president at the Aspen Institute, where she’s managing director of the Aspen Forum for Community Solutions and director of the Opportunity Youth Forum and Fund. Previously, she led an initiative aimed at improving postsecondary outcomes for vulnerable youth at the National Youth Employment Coalition. Before that, Miles led state level efforts across Massachusetts focused on justice involved youth, including designing culturally responsive content and professional development training for teachers working in the justice system. She began her career teaching basic literacy and instruction to youth in the justice system. Miles is vice chair of the Pomfret School Board of Trustees, an advisory board member of the Cowen Institute of Public Education Initiatives, and serves on the boards of Independent Trust, the Corps Network, and Ward 18.

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