Nancy Gertner is a professor at Harvard Law School. From 1994 to 2011, she was a federal district judge in Massachusetts, appointed by President Clinton. She taught for over a decade at Yale Law School and for two decades was a criminal defense lawyer, civil rights, and women’s rights activist. Gertner has taught with American Bar Association’s Central European and Eurasian Law Initiative (and now sits on the advisory board) and Yale Law School’s China Project, among others. Her honors include ABA’s Margaret Brent Award, ABA’s Thurgood Marshall Award, and the National Association of Women Lawyers’ Arabella Babb Mansfield Award. Her writings include her 2011 autobiography, In Defense of Women.

From same-sex wedding cakes and voting rights to gerrymandered congressional districts and public unions, the latest Supreme Court term was full of newsmaking decisions, even...

Regardless the outcome of the 2016 election, a Trump or Clinton victory will transform the future of the Constitution, from affirmative action to campaign finance to voting ri...

Our signature event, the 2016 Afternoon of Conversation hosts an audience of more than 2,000 in the Benedict Music Tent. From criminal justice for the most vulnerable, to spac...

Instances of wrongful convictions, misconduct by some prosecutors, public concern over mass incarceration, and evidence of racial bias in our justice system have appropriately...