Robert Doar is president of the American Enterprise Institute, a public policy think tank, since 2019. In this role, he has recruited dozens of leading scholars and fellows across multiple issue areas and launched a new research division focused on social, cultural, and constitutional studies. Doar joined AEI in 2014 to work on poverty studies. Previously, he served for more than 18 years in leadership positions in the social service programs of New York State and New York City. From 2014 to 2015, he co-chaired the National Commission on Hunger. Doar has also served as a lead member of the AEI-Brookings Working Group on Poverty and Opportunity and is an editor or author of multiple publications, including A Safety Net That Works and This Way Up: New Thinking About Poverty and Economic Mobility.

If one dives deeply into the statistics, the American Dream is actually quite alive and well. In his provocative book, The Myth of American Inequality, former U.S. senator Phi...

The 2022 primary season continues to unfold as a test of former President Trump’s hold over the Republican party. What have electoral results thus far told us about how intern...

If an American conservative from the 20th Century paid 2019 a visit, he or she might be quite perplexed to see a Republican president rallying his party around aggressive prot...