Sarah Lenz Lock is senior vice president for policy and brain health in AARP’s Policy, Research and International Affairs Department, leading initiatives on brain health and care for people living with dementia. This role includes serving as executive director of the Global Council on Brain Health, an independent collaborative of scientists, doctors, and policy experts. Lock is a frequent writer and speaker on healthy aging, serves on numerous boards, and is a member of multiple organizations focused on aging and brain health. She represents AARP on the Milken Alliance to Improve Dementia Care and is on the Health and Aging Policy Fellow Program National Advisory Board. She served on the American Bar Association’s Commission on Law and Aging and the HHS Administration on Community Living Aging and Cognitive Health Technical Expert Advisory Board. (AARP is a 2024 Festival Underwriter)

Science is confirming what artists have long known—the arts change the body, brain, and behavior. An interdisciplinary new field known as neuroarts is building that evidence a...