Stephen Jones is a wheat breeder and director of the Bread Lab at Washington State University, Mount Vernon. A professor in the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, he teaches graduate courses in advanced classical genetics and the history and ethics of genetics. He and his graduate students breed wheat and other grains for non-commodity local uses to be grown on small farms in the US coastal west from southern Oregon to Alaska. The Bread Lab is a combination think tank/baking laboratory experimenting with improved flavor, nutrition, and functionality of regional and obscure wheats and other grains. Jones’s first wheat crop was at Chico State University’s student farm in 1977.

Sustainability is the green buzzword of the decade, especially in the context of feeding a growing population while preserving the environment for the next generations. Unfort...

Everything you ever wanted to know about bread—where it comes from, how to grow the grains in it, what gives it flavor, and how to choose or make breads that are nutrient rich...