Stewart Brand is a founder of Revive & Restore, The WELL, Global Business Network, and the Long Now Foundation, of which he is co-chair and president. He’s founder and editor of the Whole Earth Catalog, first published in 1968, which won a National Book Award in Contemporary Affairs. Brand authored several books, including Whole Earth Discipline: An Ecopragmatist Manifesto; The Clock of the Long Now; How Buildings Learn; and The Media Lab. A trained biologist, he has served in the US Army, organized music festivals and business conferences, was an early computer expert, and advocates long-term thinking and pragmatic environmentalism. Other publications he founded include CoEvolution Quarterly and Whole Earth Software Review.

A 1960’s counterculture icon who brought new ideas like computers and solar power into the American mainstream through The Whole Earth Catalogue is now on a new mission: turni...

The internet changes lives, but only 3.2 billion people are online. What will it take to connect the next billion, and what kind of experiences await them? Author, environment...