Xiuhtezcatl Martinez is youth director of Earth Guardians. A 16-year-old indigenous climate and environmental activist and hip-hop artist, he began speaking around the world at the age of six, including at the Rio+20 United Nations Summit and United Nations General Assembly. Martinez has worked locally to get pesticides out of parks, on state-level fracking moratoriums, and among the youth suing the federal government for failure to protect the atmosphere for future generations. Martinez served on President Obama’s youth council and received the 2013 US Community Service Award, the 2015 Peace First Prize, the 2015 Nickelodeon Halo Award, 2016 Captain Planet Award, and the 2016 Children’s Climate Prize in Sweden.

Join us for an interactive evening of presentations, small group discussions, performances, and opportunities to engage with other participants. Featuring Harold Green, Jonath...