The desire to try and stop people from reading certain printed material has been around since material was first printed. In the modern era, book banning has waxed and waned in popularity, experiencing peaks during McCarthyism and again in the 1980s. We’re now in the midst of another wave, mostly targeting books by people of color and LGBTQ identities. In 2022, the number...
What classrooms need now: A focus on emotional health. Quick Take is a weekly dose of ideas and insights delivered in short form. Today’s episode features Tim Shriver, chairman of the Special Olympics and founder of Unite, speaking at the Aspen Ideas Festival. Watch the full conversation, produced in partnership with the Walton Family Foundation: https://www.aspenideas....
A school year unlike any other is starting for students and educators across the United States. The pandemic and social unrest around racism make it a challenging time for students, teachers, and administrators, but it’s also a period of opportunity.
Which strategies are most promising to stop gun violence in Chicago?
What tactics must young people employ to get people in power to take them seriously?
It’s been called the most perilous drug crisis ever and it was generated in the healthcare system.
Elisabeth Rosenthal on our broken healthcare system.
Is America turning its back on the humanities?
How can we make every teacher a star teacher?
Traditional notions of college are changing, so what is college supposed to be about?