Birthing Justice: The Maternal Mortality Crisis


For me, joy looks like a family having a birthing experience they probably wouldn’t have had somewhere else.

Ebony Marcelle Director of Midwifery at Community of Hope

Birthing Justice: The Maternal Mortality Crisis


If Black women bear the heaviest burdens of the maternal mortality crisis—they are 2.6 times more likely to die during pregnancy or shortly after childbirth—they are also the most determined to address it. Moving beyond grief and rage, their leadership is prioritizing culturally sensitive care, respect for best practices, and greater use of community-based models and licensed midwives. More Black clinicians, broader public health and anti-racist commitments, and vigorous evidence gathering are also core to curbing the epidemic. Clips from a new PBS documentary launch a vigorous discussion with Black women who are taking the lead to fix a broken system.

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Birthing Justice: The Maternal Mortality Crisis

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