Chelsea Clinton on the Fight for Reproductive Health


This is a failure of political will. This is a comfort with the persistence of insidious racism in the country.

Chelsea Clinton Vice Chair of the Clinton Foundation

Chelsea Clinton on the Fight for Reproductive Health


There is no sugar-coating the grim data on women’s reproductive health. Globally, hundreds of millions of women lack access to modern contraception and almost 300,000 women die annually from complications linked to pregnancy. Meanwhile, the incidence of breast, uterine, and ovarian cancers is rising amid unconscionable disparities in outcome by race and income. Determined to drive change, activists in every corner are working to protect and expand women’s access to health services that allow them to make their own choices. NBC correspondent Kristen Welker talks with Chelsea Clinton and birth justice advocate Chanel L. Porchia-Albert about women’s health, commitments to equity, and what reproductive justice demands.

  • 2023 Health

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Chelsea Clinton on the Fight for Reproductive Health

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