Creative Tensions: Where Do You Stand on the Words We Use Today?


Words hurt, words heal — or do they? As we’re exposed to the broad range of messages through media and social networks, and as we hear more people saying controversial (and historically taboo) things, do the words we use have the power they once did? This session will look at the power, or lack of power, of the most simple tool we have: words. We’ll look at words that people now exclude from their vocabulary, words that have become loaded, and ask what constitutes hate speech in this moment. Creative Tensions is a conversation that moves, one in which participants reveal where they stand on an issue by where they stand in the room. Guided by a moderator, Creative Tensions is an eye-opening experience that embodies three essential dimensions of human-centered design — reflection, empathy, and curiosity.

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Creative Tensions: Where Do You Stand on the Words We Use Today?

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