Deep Dive: Leading Transformational Change


The decisions we make as a company are based on our values.

Dan Schulman President and CEO of PayPal

Deep Dive: Leading Transformational Change


When asked about faith in our larger institutions and organizations, citizens globally suggest that CEOs, not government, should take the lead on creating change. That said, many business organizations are still far from meeting the standards that employees and the consuming public hold them to. Some, however, are. Doug McMillon, CEO of Walmart, has not only driven increases in pay, he has announced an investment in higher education for US associates. And Dan Schulman of PayPal is committed to democratizing access to financial services so that everyone, here and abroad, can tap into the digital economy. Could there be a new standard for leaders to deliver value to both their shareholders, and the most underserved among us? These are not small changes in thinking, but rather, transformational shifts in the ways these firms consider their goals. Should and could success require an authentic commitment to prosperity — for all?

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Deep Dive: Leading Transformational Change

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