Girls, Unleashed
The idea that investing in girls is the single most effective investment available to spur economic development and end global poverty has become a widely popular notion. And yet, what does investing in girls actually look like on the ground? What have we learned as of late about which kinds of investments for which kinds of girls in which kinds of settings have the biggest ROI? Join us for a wide-ranging conversation featuring some of the freshest and wisest voices on girls’ empowerment, both domestic and global. You will leave smarter about the cutting edge approaches to unleashing girls’ natural power and galvanized to be an even bigger part of the solution.
Peggy ClarkPresident and CEO of the International Center for Research on Women
Reshma SaujaniCEO, Girls Who Code
Farah Ramzan GolantCEO, Girl Effect
Rasha JarhumFounder, Yemeni Youth for Humanitarian Relief; Founder, Aden Initiativ...
Musimbi KanyoroPresident and CEO, Global Fund for Women
Mona EltahawyColumnist, The New York Times; Author, Headscarves and Hymens: Why the...
Donna ShalalaTrustee Professor of Political Science and Health Policy at the Univer...
Riya SinghResearcher, Centre for Girls Education (Nigeria)
Sofia Caballero StaffordBA Candidate, Global Health and Cultural Anthropology, Duke University...
Irin CarmonSenior Correspondent, New York Magazine; Author, Notorious RBG: The Li...
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