Is Populism Good for the Populace?


Is populism filling a vacuum with something that is ultimately destructive?

Michael Green ​CEO of the Social Progress Imperative

Is Populism Good for the Populace?

All populists are not created equal
All populists are not created equal
Populism might not deliver on its promises, but does that even matter?
Like them or not, populists are political innovators

All populists are not created equal

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Gene Sperling, former director of the National Economic Council, draws a distinction between economic and authoritarian populism and contends that one is far more dangerous than the other: 

Gene Sperling 2019
All populists are not created equal

Sperling sees some merit to economic populism, which is a movement focused on wresting economic control from a select few (think the 99 Percent versus the 1 Percent). Authoritarian populism, which has allowed for the rise of strongmen and the dissolution of civil rights, is to be feared in all forms. 


Populism might not deliver on its promises, but does that even matter?

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Donald Trump’s rise to the presidency was hailed as a triumph of populism, but Douglas Holtz-Eakin, president of the American Action Forum, says that many of the economic policies Trump has enacted are actually traditionally conservative. And the populist policies that Trump has put in place might be causing lasting harm to the US economy.

I’m not sure the populism which has been so politically successful on the right is delivering for the people that put [the populists] into power.
Douglas Holtz-Eakin

Michael Green, CEO of Social Progress Imperative, follows up Holtz-Eakin by suggesting that many populists around the world aren’t actually concerned with how the economy is performing. What they care about, says Green, is feeling in control. He uses Brexit as an example: pro-Brexit supporters initially touted claims of economic growth as a main reason for leaving the European Union. When economic reports began forecasting dire economic circumstances should Brexit occur, many who are pro-Brexit changed the conversation to instead focus on economic sovereignty. 


Like them or not, populists are political innovators

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Populists movements in Turkey, Brazil, Italy, and the US are mostly products of circumstances within their own borders. But some transnational populist trends are emerging, and Michael Green says that innovation in politics is one of them:

Populism 2019
Like them or not, populists are political innovators

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Is Populism Good for the Populace?

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