‘It. Goes. So. Fast.: The Year of No Do-Overs’


There’s lots of journalists in the world who could cover that story… there’s only one person who can be mom to my kids.

Mary Louise Kelly Co-Host, NPR’s “All Things Considered”

‘It. Goes. So. Fast.: The Year of No Do-Overs’


In her new memoir, Mary Louise Kelly candidly explores the delicate balance between career and motherhood, sharing her insights as the host of NPR’s “All Things Considered” in the year leading up to her son’s departure for college. She and Kelly Corrigan, host of PBS’s “Tell Me More with Kelly Corrigan,” sit down for a lively and honest conversation about the challenges of parenting and the joys, regrets, pitfalls, and triumphs of the modern working mother. (Book signing to follow.)

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‘It. Goes. So. Fast.: The Year of No Do-Overs’

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