Managing Risk in the Age of Cyberterrorism


Every time people think they have an answer to something, there is a new challenge, a new threat, a new situation.

David Petraeus Partner, KKR; Former CIA Director

Managing Risk in the Age of Cyberterrorism


In an age of cyber warfare, where weapons are simply Internet-connected devices, are we prepared to face the evolving threat posed by state and non-state actors who would do us harm? As a recent attack in Ukraine has shown, hackers can and will cripple critical infrastructure by accessing control systems inside utilities. And we’ve seen time and again what happens when intruders gain access to critical networks, personal data, and intellectual property. What action should government, the private sector, and individuals be taking to prepare for the inevitability of cyberattacks, especially as the Internet of things complicates our interconnected lives?

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Managing Risk in the Age of Cyberterrorism

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